Who We Are

Southern Reconciliation Ministries, Inc is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization operating as Reconciliation House. We are a nondenominational Christian outreach ministry serving Yancey County in Western North Carolina since 1983. Our mission is to provide physical assistance to families in crisis situations. Assistance includes food, clothing, heating, and utility bills. Our services are offered regardless of the recipient’s race, religion, citizenship, age, gender, or orientation.
Reconciliation House is a Christian Outreach Ministry that was founded in 1983 through a joint effort by Dr. Gary West and the Yancey County Ministerial Association. We are housed in the “Old Methodist Parsonage” owned by Higgins Memorial United Methodist Church. It is a blessing that they do not charge us rent. Over the years, the ministry has grown from a small assistance agency to a bustling center of activity. The ministry is run by a Director under the supervision of a volunteer Board of Directors representing various denominations of the churches that support us, and other interested individuals from the community. We also have part-time employees who carry our tremendous workload. Funding for Reconciliation House is through donations, local churches, private individuals, civic groups, Yancey County, United Way Fund, Emergency Food and Shelter Program, church and foundation grants, thrift sales, and fundraisers.

We Offer
Reconciliation House offers food, clothing, household items and assistance with prescriptions, utilities, rent/mortgage payments, home heating assistance and other miscellaneous items through case-managed services. Reconciliation House also provides clients with food and gifts for children during the Christmas season, as well as layettes for newborns. Volunteers are the heart of Reconciliation House. There is nothing more rewarding than helping a neighbor in need. Discover how you can impact our community and provide hope for those experiencing a financial struggle. Reconciliation House offers food, utility, clothing and home furnishing assistance at 20 Academy Street, Burnsville, NC. There is no need for an appointment—new or existing clients are welcomed first come, first served during client assistant hours.
Become a Volunteer
Join us for a better life and beautiful future